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Writer's pictureBRANDi

EV Technology Integration: Lightyear 0

In 2022, the transport sector was the biggest generator of greenhouse gas; over 90% of the fuel used for transportation is petroleum based. The second largest share of greenhouse gas emissions is the electric power sector—approximately 60% of electricity comes from the burning of fossil fuels, mainly coal and natural gas. EVs fall into these two main greenhouse gas-generating sectors, so how exactly do they reduce emissions?


Even though EVs may create carbon pollution through the generation of the electricity they use, they typically emit fewer greenhouse gases (GHGs) than the typical new petrol vehicle because they produce no tailpipe emissions. Moreover, the overall GHGs associated with EVs may be considerably lower if more electricity comes from renewable energy sources, such as wind and solar. Renewable energy became the second-most common source of electricity in the United States in 2020, and new renewable plants are constructed yearly. With this, the future of EVs is predictably brighter and cleaner than that of conventional vehicles.


Lightyear 0 is a type of EV integration that incorporates many technologies, such as solar cells, high energy density batteries, lightweight structure, and aerodynamic design. Engineered to be more efficient than general EVs, these vehicles are superior in energy consumption, range capability, and charging. Lightyear 0 EVs allow drivers to move anywhere without concern about cost, pollution, and access to charging stations; the cars gain up to 70 kilometers of range per day from the sun alone.


For EV manufacturers, switching to renewable energy has become more imperative as it is a way to clean mobility that benefit both customer and the environment. They should invest in technology to make their product overcome range anxiety, make the price more accessible, and scale up the production of EVs using renewable energy sources. This includes adapting their business model to pay attention to developing their EVs car using renewable energy sources with technology to facilitate the user rather than focusing on rolling out charging stations.

The future of EVs will not only allow users to benefit from the decrease in costs but also have a long-term impact on the planet. This is a GREAT example of inclusive wins, where Profit, People, and Planet all become better thanks to thoughfully designed technologies.

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