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Insufficient City Planners

Writer's picture: BRANDiBRANDi

According to a UN study, the building and construction sector is responsible for 37% of energy-related emissions, which is more than the transportation sector. Even though investment in building efficiency has increased in recent years, the expansion of floor space continues to outpace efficiency efforts. Currently, most cities worldwide are not equipped to handle the surge in population, and one of the most significant factors contributing to the problem is the lack of city planners.


India, which has the second-largest urban system in the world, can serve as an example. The country has seen a lot of urbanization and population growth in recent years, with almost 65% of cities lacking "City Master Plans," which would assist them in their land-use development and preservation decisions. This suggests that the country's cities' transportation, traffic, and drainage network alignment are all unplanned, resulting in such problems as poor air and water quality, insufficient water availability, and waste disposal problems, all of which have a negative impact on the overall quality of life and environment of the citizens. According to the UN, the lack of human resources is one of India's major contributors to urban planning problems; the whole nation will require 300,000 urban planners by 2023. Currently, however, there are 5,000 registered planners and 1,800 graduates in urban planning each year.


The development of education in climate change-related knowledge has been regarded as essential for fostering the transition to a sustainable future, as it facilitates changing people's attitudes and behaviors to combat global warming. Nonetheless, as urbanization continues to accelerate, further changes to the educational system are still required. Urban planners have a unique responsibility to shape the "urban resilience" model, which assists in mitigating risk and responding to evolving challenges by designing the built environment with features such as urban greening, planted facades and roofs, and highly reflective building materials that reduce energy costs. Due to the lack of integration of climate change knowledge and planning, as well as the inadequacy of climate change-related instruction in planning education, global policymakers and the education sector must support urban planning.

Cities globally are already coping with the climate change impact, but they also have the potential to be powerful change agents. Urban planning becomes vital for mitigating climate change and reducing its threat. To develop communities sustainably and speed up progress toward the 2030 Agenda, SDG 11 of bringing about “sustainable cities” serves as the cornerstone for this year's United Nations High-level Political Forum (HLPF). Now is the time to make sure that our education system keeps up with the rapid pace of transformation and enables sustainable living for future generations.


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